Friday, August 20, 2010




Vice Pres.


MemBer: HomeBhoy JOke :p


                                                    .... DOTA UTILITIES AND TOOLS .....
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DOTA 6.68c Bugs And Tricks Vol.1

                                                             DOTA 6,68c BUGS AND TRICKS


Dota 6.68 Bug Bat Rider ..

DOTA 6.68 BUG Bat RIDER ,,,


Knight Davion - The Dragon Knight
Range: 125 | Move Speed: 290
Primary: STR
Str: 19 + 2.8 | Agi: 19 + 2.2 | Int: 15 + 1.7
Damage: 46 – 52 | HP: 511 | Mana: 195
HP Regen: 0.82 | Mana Regen: 0.61
Attack Speed: 0.70 | Armor: 5
Abandoned and forsaken as a child, the Half-bred Dragon Davion sought refuge from the evils of the world, and from the uncontrollable power growing within himself. His search led him to the doorstep of a mighty Druid, who taught him to tap into the massive energies that lay concealed in his blood - a tribute to his ancient Draconian heritage. A master swordsman, Davion smites his foes in his raging frenzy - transforming at will into an Elder Dragon of destructive fiery rage to crush all those that threaten to vanquish his new home...............................
Breathe FireBreathe Fire (F)
Breathes fire at enemy units which deals damage.
Level 1 - 75 damage.
Level 2 - 150 damage.
Level 3 - 225 damage.
Level 4 - 300 damage.
Mana Cost: 100/110/120/130
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Dragon TailDragon Tail (T)
Knight Davion bashes a melee-range enemy target with the fury of a dragon`s tail swipe. Stuns the target and deals minor damage.
Level 1 - Deals 25 damage, Stuns for 2.5 seconds.
Level 2 - Deals 50 damage, stuns for 2.75 seconds.
Level 3 - Deals 75 damage, stuns for 3 seconds.
Level 4 - Deals 100 damage, stuns for 3.25 seconds.
Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 9 seconds
Dragon BloodDragon Blood (D)
Grants Dragon Knight blood from his ancient ancestral dragon heritage, which increases health regeneration and armor.
Level 1 - Increases hp regen by 1 and armor by 2.
Level 2 - Increases hp regen by 2 and armor by 4.
Level 3 - Increases hp regen by 3 and armor by 6.
Level 4 - Increases hp regen by 4 and armor by 8.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Elder Dragon FormElder Dragon Form (R)
Transforms the Dragon Knight into a powerful elder dragon. Gives 25 movement speed boost. Lasts 60 seconds.
Level 1 - Transform into a Green Dragon with a corrosive breath attack.
Level 2 - Transform into a Red Dragon with a splash attack.
Level 3 - Transform into a Blue Dragon with an extremely powerful frost attack.
Mana Cost: 50
Cooldown: 115
A Green Dragon gives additional 25 movespeed, and has a “corrosive attack” that slows an unit and deals 20 magical damage per second for 5 seconds. The corrosive damage won’t stack. Corrosive Breath will work on towers.
A Red Dragon gives additional 25 movespeed, 5 bonus damage, and has a “splash attack” that deals full damage to all units around the primary target.
A Blue Dragon gives additional 25 movespeed, 14 bonus damage, and has an “extremely powerful frost attack” that deals half damage to all units around the primary target, plus 3 seconds of frost effect (30% move speed reduction and 20% attack speed reduction).
Both “splash attack” and “extremely powerful frost attack” affect damage to buildings, i.e. if you attack the buildings, units surrounding the buildings will be damaged, vice versa.

SVEN Guide

Sven - The Rogueknight
Range: 125 | Move Speed: 295
Primary: STR
Str: 23 + 2.7 | Agi: 21 + 2.0 | Int: 14 + 1.3
Damage: 54 – 56 | HP: 587 | Mana: 182
HP Regen: 0.94 | Mana Regen: 0.57
Attack Speed: 0.71 | Armor: 2
A follower of the great God of Order, Paladine, Sven has sworn to uphold the rights of all. Born of a Knight and a Night Elf and ostracized since birth, Sven has lead a solitary existence of meditation and training. He has come out of his wanderings determined to guard the innocent against evil. Armed with his blessed cleaving blade Justice, and harnessing the power to strike down his enemies with the might of God's Strength, Sven's wrath toward the unjust is a sight to behold.

Storm BoltStorm Bolt (T)
Targets an area around an enemy unit and releases a magical hammer dealing damage and stunning enemy units. 250 AOE
Level 1 - Deals 100 damage and stuns
Level 2 - Deals 175 damage and stuns
Level 3 - Deals 250 damage and stuns
Level 4 - Deals 325 damage and stuns
• The AoE targeting reticle must be centered over an enemy unit.
• The projectile can't be dodged by blinking or moving away.
Mana Cost: 140
Cooldown: 15

Great CleaveGreat Cleave (C)
Sven strikes with such force that all nearby enemies take damage. 175 AOE splash
Level 1 - 20% damage is splashed.
Level 2 - 30% damage is splashed.
Level 3 - 40% damage is splashed.
Level 4 - 50% damage is splashed.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A

WarcryWarcry (W)
With the righteous anger of one wielding Justice, Sven lets loose a mighty Warcry, heartening his allies for battle. Sven and nearby allies gain movespeed and increased armor. 450 AOE and lasts for 6 seconds.
Level 1 - Gives +3 armor and 12% movespeed.
Level 2 - Gives +6 armor and 12% movespeed.
Level 3 - Gives +9 armor and 12% movespeed.
Level 4 - Gives +12 armor and 12% movespeed.
Mana Cost: 25
Cooldown: 36/30/24/18

God`s StrengthGod`s Strength (R)
Sven gets pumped up! Adds bonus damage for 25 seconds.
Level 1 - Adds 100% damage.
Level 2 - Adds 125% damage.
Level 3 - Adds 150% damage.
Mana Cost: 100 /150/ 200
Cooldown: 80 seconds
• Only increases base damage and that given by the primary attribute of Sven. Raw bonus damage is not increased.
• Can only be removed by Purge (from Diffusal, Stone Gaze, Unstable Current or the Satyr Trickster)

Vengeful Spirit Guide ...

Magic MissileMagic Missile (C)
A magic missile is thrown at an enemy unit, causing damage. Stuns for 1.75 seconds. Cast range of 500.
Level 1 - Deals 100 damage.
Level 2 - Deals 175 damage.
Level 3 - Deals 250 damage.
Level 4 - Deals 325 damage.
Mana Cost: 110/120/130/140
Cooldown: 10
Wave of TerrorWave of Terror (E)
Shendelzare lets loose a wicked cry, terrorizing nearby enemy units. Their armor and damage are reduced.
Level 1 - Reduces base armor by 2 and damage by 5%. Deals 25 damage.
Level 2 - Reduces base armor by 3 and damage by 10%. Deals 50 damage.
Level 3 - Reduces base armor by 4 and damage by 15%. Deals 75 damage.
Level 4 - Reduces base armor by 5 and damage by 20%. Deals 100 damage.
• Damage type: HP loss
• The wave gives vision as it goes forward.
• Only decreases base damage and that given by the primary attribute of the units.
Mana Cost: 40
Cooldown: 15
Command AuraCommand Aura (D)
Increases nearby (within 900 AoE) units' damage.
Level 1 - 12% damage.
Level 2 - 20% damage.
Level 3 - 28% damage.
Level 4 - 36% damage.
• The bonus damage provided by the aura is based on base damage and primary attribute.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Nether SwapNether Swap (W)
Instantaneously swaps positions with a target hero.
Level 1 - 600 range.
Level 2 - 900 range.
Level 3 - 1200 range.
Mana Cost: 100/ 150/ 200
Cooldown: 45 (10 with Scepter)
• Works on magic immune units.
• Trees near Vengeful Spirit and the target will be destroyed upon swapping.
• Interrupts channeling skills of the target.
• Aghanim's Scepter drastically reduces cool down to 10 seconds at all levels.

Priestess of The Moon Guides ..

Mirana Nightshade - Priestess of the Moon
Range: 600 | Move Speed: 300
Primary: AGI
Str: 17 + 1.85 | Agi: 20 + 2.75 | Int: 17 + 1.65
Damage: 38 - 49 | HP: 473 | Mana: 221
HP Regen: 0.76 | Mana Regen: 0.69
Attack Speed: 1.14 | Armor: 1
Range: 600 | Move Speed: 300
Primary: AGI
Str: 17 + 1.85 | Agi: 20 + 2.75 | Int: 17 + 1.65
Damage: 38 - 49 | HP: 473 | Mana: 221
HP Regen: 0.76 | Mana Regen: 0.69
Attack Speed: 1.14 | Armor: 1
A matriarch and high priestess of Elune`s blessed order, Mirana Nightshade serves as a light in darkness for the front line of the Sentinel ranks, raining arrows and falling stars alike upon the shambling undead masses of the Undead Scourge, while her very presence is said to be so holy that it melts away the fatigue of nearby allies, giving them greater haste on the battlefield. In times of need however, she can fade herself and others around her into the safety of invisibility, making her a potent supporter matched by few.

Calls down a wave of meteors to damage each nearby enemy. If enemy is farther than 600 range, it has a 60% chance to still hit him. One random enemy unit within 200 aoe will get hit again for half the damage.
Level 1 - 75 damage per wave.
Level 2 - 150 damage per wave.
Level 3 - 225 damage per wave.
Level 4 - 300 damage per wave.
Cooldown: 12 seconds.
Author’s Remarks: Your bread and butter move. You will use this primarily for harassing and farming. It can also be used to initiate battle. Starfall and Radiance are quite a pair in farming.

Elune’s Arrow™
Fires an arrow to a location with deadly precision, dealing large damage and stunning the first unit it strikes. Stun duration increases based on how far the target is, ranging from 0.5 to 5 seconds.
Level 1 - Deals 90 damage.
Level 2 - Deals 180 damage.
Level 3 - Deals 270 damage.
Level 4 - Deals 360 damage.
Cooldown: 25 seconds.
Author’s Remarks: This is what makes me love POtM. If you successfully hit an opponent with arrow, he is a good as dead. Imagine a 5 secs stun. You can dismember him anyway you want. Of course, this takes practice to master but once you master it, you will be an asset to your team and a threat to the opponents. Aiming this is almost the same as Pudge’s hook. Only thing, Pudge’s hook flies faster ( I think ). More on this later.

Mirana’s wild Frostsaber leaps forward into battle, empowering allies with a ferocious roar upon landing. Movement and Attack Speed bonus lasts 10 seconds.
Level 1 - 400 range. 4% speed increase.
Level 2 - 450 range. 8% speed increase.
Level 3 - 500 range. 12% speed increase.
Level 4 - 550 range. 16% speed increase.
Cooldown: 20 seconds.
Author’s Remarks: One of two escape tools you have. The key is to be sure where you want to Leap to and look at that direction. I have seen many n00bs on BNet, in the heat of battle, they leap straight into their opponents and get owned. Also, when you leap, you are invulnerable. But if you get ruptured, don’t think of leaping as you will take damage ( Someone clear this for me ). Apart from the range, you get a movement speed bonus aura that will benefit both you and your allies. A 16% increase may seem negligible but trust me, it is significant.

Moonlight Shadow™
Turns Nightshade and all allied heroes invisible. If Invisiblity is broken, it gets restored after the fade time during the shadow duration.
Level 1 - Lasts 7 seconds. 2.5 second fade time.
Level 2 - Lasts 9 seconds. 2 second fade time.
Level 3 - Lasts 11 seconds. 1.5 second fade time.
Cooldown: 160 seconds.
Author’s Remarks: Your ultimate. Finally a skill in DoTA that makes all allies invisible. Most of the time ( about 9/10 times ), I have seen this being used only defensively. This can work wonders if used offensively. Imagine 5 opponents pushing mid and suddenly 5 heroes pop around you. By the time they realize what happens, chances are, they are dead. More on this later.
PROS: Have 2 escape skills ( Can leap into fray, kill and windwalk away)
Can farm extremely well
Early game harasser, late game damage dealer
360 damage stun that can stun up to 5 secs
Low Mana
Maybe target for ganks
Most importantly, Very Item-Dependent
As you can see, the cons can be easily remedied with cheap equipment such as bracers, nulls and observer wards. Also, if you can farm properly, items shouldn’t be a problem. As such, there is absolutely no reason why you should not play POtM.
The Skill Build
Level 1 - Starfall
Level 2 - Leap
Level 3 - Starfall
Level 4 - Elune’s Arrow
Level 5 - Starfall
Level 6 - Elune’s Arrow
Level 7 - Starfall
Level 8 - Elune’s Arrow
Level 9 - Elune’s Arrow
Level 10 - Moonlight Shadow
Level 11 - Moonlight Shadow
Level 12 – Leap
Level 13 - Leap
Level 14 - Leap
Level 15 - Stats
Level 16 - Moonlight Shadow
Level 17-25 – Stats
Reason for Skill Build : This should be the standard POtM build, no matter what equipment you choose. Starfall early for harassing. One level of Leap is learnt for sticky situations. Arrow for the much needed stun. Moonlight Shadow is learnt later as you wont have mana to use it. The rest is all logical.
Item Build